Monster Blog Sack Blog

Monster Blog Sack Blog

Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Five Million Dollar Rumble (The Rumble 5) is released!

I have just released a new website called The Five Million Dollar Rumble (The Rumble 5) The idea is to earn 5 million dollars by selling rumble spots for $100 each for my start-up Soma Studios which Monster Blog Sack is a part of. To find out more about The Rumble 5, you may check out the blog, faq, and the rest of the webpage.

As for Monster Blog Sack, I haven't had a chance to work on it since I have new releases that I'm working on such as The Music Hutch and Polski Domek. I have many ideas for Monster Blog Sack, thus the website The Rumble 5 to acquire funds for it and build Monster Blog Sack into a kickass solid webpage. The Monster in the logo also has a name. His name is Thoghar the Monster. I have many ideas on making Thoghar come to life on screen. Monster Blog Sack may currently have a few bugs due to recent server upgrades. I will be working to get it fixed.

Hope you enjoy!

Posted by Gregory Rzeczko @ 10:15 AM EST
Gregory Rzeczko

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